HTML Tag Reference

HTML Tag Reference


Following tags have been introduced in older versions of HTML but all the tags marked with HTML-5 are part of HTML-5.





Specifies a comment



Specifies the document type



Specifies an anchor



Specifies an abbreviation



Specifies an acronym



Specifies an address element



Deprecated. Specifies an applet



Specifies an area inside an image map



Specifies an article



Specifies some content loosely related to the page content. If it is removed, the remaining content still makes sense



Specifies a sound content



Specifies bold text



Specifies a base URL for all the links in a page



Deprecated. Specifies a base font



Specifies the direction of text display



Represents text that must be isolated from its surrounding for bidirectional text formatting. It allows embedding a span of text with a different, or unknown, directionality



Specifies background music



Specifies big text



Specifies a text which blinks



Specifies a long quotation



Specifies the body element



Inserts a single line break



Specifies a push button



For making graphics with a script



Specifies a table caption



Deprecated. Specifies centered text



Specifies a citation



Specifies computer code text



Specifies attributes for table columns 



Specifies groups of table columns



Puts a comment in the document



A list of options for input values



Specifies a definition description



Specifies deleted text



Specifies a definition term



Specifies a dialog box or window



Deprecated. Specifies a directory list



Specifies a section in a document



Specifies a definition list



Specifies a definition term



Specifies emphasized text 



Specifies a container for an external (non-HTML) application



Specifies afieldset



Specifies a caption for a <figure> element



Specifies self-contained content



Deprecated. Specifies text font, size, and color



Specifies a footer for a document or section



Specifies a form 



Specifies a sub window (a frame)



Specifies a set of frames


<h1> to <h6>

Specifies header 1 to header 6



Specifies information about the document



Specifies a header for a document or section



Specifies a horizontal rule



Specifies an html document



Specifies italic text



Specifies an inline sub window (frame)



Specifies an inline layer



Specifies an image



Specifies an input field



Specifies inserted text



Deprecated. Specifies a single-line input field



Specifies keyboard text



Generate key information in a form



Specifies a label for a form control



Specifies a layer



Specifies a title in a fieldset



Specifies a list item



Specifies a resource reference



Specifies the main or important content in the document. There is only one element in the document



Specifies an image map 



Specifies a text highlighted for reference purposes, that is for its relevance in another context



Creates a scrolling-text marquee



Deprecated. Specifies a menu list



Specifies a command/menu item that the user can invoke from a popup menu



Specifies meta data of an html document which is not displayed on the page



Specifies a scalar measurement within a known range (a gauge)



Specifies a multicolumn text flow



Specifies a section that contains only navigation links



No breaks allowed in the enclosed text



Specifies content to be presented by browsers that do not support the <embed> tag



Specifies anoframe section



Specifies anoscript section



Specifies an embedded object



Specifies an ordered list



Specifies an option group



Specifies an option in a drop-down list



Specifies the result of a calculation



Specifies a paragraph



Specifies a parameter for an object



Deprecated. Render the remainder of the document as preformatted plain text



Specifies preformatted text



Specifies a completion progress of a task



Specifies a short quotation



Specifies to show browsers that do not support the ruby element



Specifies an text ruby annotation



Specifies an ruby annotation



Deprecated. Specifies strikethrough text



Specifies sample computer code



Specifies a script



Specifies a section in a document



Specifies a selectable list



Specifies a white space



Specifies small text



Specifies a media resources for media elements, defined inside video or audio elements



Specifies a section in a document



Deprecated. Specifies strikethrough text



Specifies strong text



Specifies a style definition



Specifies subscripted text



Specifies a summary, caption, or legend for a given <details>



Specifies superscripted text



Specifies a table



Specifies a table body



Specifies a table cell



Specifies a text area



Specifies a table footer



Specifies a table heading



Specifies a table header



Specifies a date and time <details>



Specifies the document title



Specifies a table row



Specifies a text tracks used inmediaplayers



Specifies teletype text



Deprecated. Specifies underlined text



Specifies an unordered list



Specifies a variable



Specifies a text tracks used inmediaplayers



Indicates a potential word break point within a <nobr> section



Deprecated. Specifies preformatted text



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